Our Mission

Encouraging Hope, Health and Healing for the abortion-vulnerable. 

Vision Statement

Investing in families for the future.

MCWC was established to empower individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the intrinsic value of every human life.

We are a ministry to others by living the truth that all people matter to God and every life is sacred.

Through Christ centered ministry we help make abortion an unnecessary option for women.

Through sharing our faith in Christ, people’s lives will be changed; therefore, our community and the world will be changed.

Values Embodied

Sanctity of every human life

Sexual Integrity (abstinence outside of marriage and faithfulness in marriage)

Marriage and Family

Personal Responsibility


Dignity of Work

Knowledge and Wisdom





Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 9am - 5pm  Friday 9am - 12pm

Clinic Hours:

Monday-Tuesday: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday-Thursday: 10am - 7pm


Support MCWC

Be a part of a miracle, give today to save a life for now and future generations.