Adol’s Story:

After her parents died, Adol fled Sudan with her brothers. After coming to the U.S. and starting high school, she found out she was pregnant. She came to MCWC and participated in the Empower program, receiving support and help to say “yes” to her baby’s life. She said “[MCWC] provided what I was supposed to provide. They have been the family I never had. I can’t thank them enough.”

Amber’s Story:

Amber is deaf. When she became pregnant with her third child, she was very concerned and thought about abortion. After seeing an ad for MCWC on her Facebook feed, Amber made an appointment. During her ultrasound, she could feel her baby’s strong heartbeat through the monitor. Amber said, “Thank you for helping me make a better decision and getting me on a better path.”

DeShawndra’s Story:

When DeShawndra found out she was pregnant, she realized she was not prepared to raise a baby. While scrolling on Google for help, she saw an MCWC ad and scheduled an appointment where she received support and help to make the decision to carry the pregnancy. She said “MCWC made it easier for me and made me feel important. They made a big impact on my life.”

Lauren’s Story:

Already a single mom of a 6-month-old, Lauren became pregnant again and was told by the baby’s father that he would leave if she didn’t get an abortion. Coming to MCWC and seeing her baby on the ultrasound made that life inside her become a reality. “If it weren’t for MCWC, I wouldn’t have known about adoption and to be pointed in the right direction. If it weren’t for MCWC, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Keandra’s Story

Pregnant and unsupported, Keandra felt like abortion was her only choice. Her Advocate listened in a nonjudgmental way and presented options. During the ultrasound, her baby’s heartbeat spoke powerfully. She changed her mind. Without MCWC, her baby would not be alive, and she would not be the mother she is today.

April’s Story

We met April, alone and parenting an infant. When she discovered she was pregnant, she decided on abortion. Through ultrasound at MCWC, she was able to see her baby and hear her heartbeat. She left struggling to do what was right but seeing no way to do it. Thankfully, her Advocate reminded her that God would get her through this, one step at a time.

Calee’s Story

Calee and her husband were both meth users and were surprised when she got pregnant. Looking for a reason to stop using, they stayed sober throughout her pregnancy and completed the Parenting Class at MCWC. “We received so much. I’m blessed to have met such wonderful people that genuinely care. We’ve never had that before in our lives.

DeNaya’s Story

It was the scariest moment of her life when DeNaya found out she was pregnant. As a teenager working an hourly job, no relationship with her parents and no support from the baby’s dad, she felt truly alone… until she was called back for her appointment.

London’s Story

With plans for an abortion, London searched on Google and found MCWC. She came to the clinic for free services and information, but she got a lot more than she expected.

Joella’s Story

Joella knew God’s ways but the challenges of raising a little girl on her own in a new country were harder than she thought. She found herself pregnant again with a man who was not responsible to her or her daughter. Scared for herself and her little girl, she planned an abortion.


Candice’s Story

“The sonogram changed my life. I heard his heart beating and I went from, “I don’t want this baby,” to talking to my baby on the screen and feeling protective of the new life growing inside of me. I was no longer just Candice. I was Mom. Thank you to everyone that gives gifts to MCWC. You are giving more than money, you are giving love.”


Viniter’s Story

Ashley’s Story

If these stories inspired you, please prayerfully consider becoming a volunteer, or financial supporter of this vital ministry.


Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 9am - 5pm  Friday 9am - 12pm

Clinic Hours:

Monday-Tuesday: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday-Thursday: 10am - 7pm


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Be a part of a miracle, give today to save a life for now and future generations.